Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Wed., Nov. 18: 2 Macc 7:1, 20-31; Luke 19:11-28

With your own words I shall condemn you, you wicked servant. The heartless execution of seven brothers before their mother (today’s first reading) illustrates pure wickedness. But the description “wicked” seems a bit harsh for the poor fellow in Jesus’ parable, doesn’t it? Surely we could ascribe various unflattering labels to him: stupid, lazy, irresponsible. But wicked? Perhaps we need to consider how both evil and goodness grow and evolve. Evil often begins with what seem mild offenses, little omissions, wrongs so small that we readily excuse ourselves for committing them. But each one adds grease to an increasingly slippery slope. Conversely, when we take what we have been given, little though it might be, and use it conscientiously and well, remarkable good can result.

*For gratitude and diligence in serving the Lord, we pray.