Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Mon., Nov. 23: Dan 1:1-6, 8-20; Luke 21:1-4

… And he noticed a poor widow putting in two small coins. As we enter into the holiday season, despite our best efforts it’s easy to get carried away in consumerism. When our mood is light, a little splurging here and there seems reasonable and deserved. It’s important for us to remember that some people, like the widow, are so poor that splurging isn’t an option. We must come to know dependence on what will truly lighten our mood and our burden — dependence on the Lord and complete trust in his ability to provide what we truly need. Few of us need more things, but we could all rely more on God to understand how truly blessed we are.

*That we may forego the temptation of the fleeting excesses of this life, we pray.


JENIE=) said...

and may this be a thing to remember not just during the holidays, but everyday! ;)