Sunday, November 8, 2009

Sat., Nov. 7: Rom 16:3-9, 16, 22-27; Luke 16:9-15

You cannot serve God and mammon. “Mammon” is literally “that in which one trusts.” Paul Tillich once wrote that there are no atheists. Everyone has a god — something or someone to whom we give our life. It may be a cause or comfort; power or prominence; religion or riches. Recently I read that there are three questions we should ask the rich, including ourselves as we remember the vast numbers of seriously poor people in the world: 1. Why did you want to be rich? 2. What did you do (and to whom) to get rich? 3. Why are you still rich? I really like — and hate — the third question. What is stopping me from giving it all away? Why do we give ourselves to a god that is not big enough to fully satisfy us?

*Lord Jesus, make me the servant of you and your people and nothing else