Sunday, June 27, 2010

Blog Transformation (Sensory Processing Disorder)

Sorry it has been a long time! It takes me so long before I decided to share with you my struggle being a mother of SPD kid. Starting now I will join you in my journey in finding the hope and strength needed to get through raising my li'l boy Rallione, as a "mother of potentially gifted child with SPD".

I am now a stay-at-home mom trying to manage life with a "bumper and crasher" I'll share our journey, good and bad, as well as what we do and what we've tried to manage this disorder. We've learned so much together and I've learned so much from being her mom. I share about what therapies we have had and are currently having, what I've found works (or doesn't work) for us, information about special needs and how to be an advocate for your child. Here you will find all the latest updates, changes, new information, news about Giftedness, SPD and personal comments/questions.