Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Tues., Jan. 12: 1 Sam 1:9-20; Mark 1:21-28

He commands even the unclean spirits and they obey him.

In Jesus’ time, people believed that sickness of mind or body was caused by an evil spirit and was often due to the sufferer’s sins, or even those of their parents. Today we depend on the discoveries of science, but it doesn’t change the fact that those who suffer, and their loved ones, are still focused on seeking a cure. We should remember that Je­sus’ healing power is still with us, actualized through the work of those trained to deal with disorders of body, mind or spirit. We cooperate with their help while we continue to trust and praise our Lord. A wise doctor of my acquaintance has a framed proverb hanging above his desk that reads: “I treat. God heals.”

*Lord, heal us and help the healers who are your instruments.