Thursday, November 26, 2009

Wed., Nov. 25: Dan 5:1-6, 13-14, 16-17, 23-28; Luke 21:12-19

… For I myself shall give you a wisdom in speaking. Many Christians, despite a firm belief in God, dismiss their personal role in evangelization. They fear their own limited grasp of theology or their lack of experience talking in front of others. Indeed, one of the greatest fears among adults is public speaking — adds to that the often private and very personal topic of speaking of faith, and most quickly and quietly shrinks into the background. Thus we begin to view the task of professing God’s word as the sole domain of those called to religious vocations. While there are many excellent preachers, we all have a story of faith and trust in the Lord’s role in our lives that can be of hope or inspiration to others. Profess the Lord’s goodness. You never know how God will speak through your voice.

*Lord, open our hearts and our mouths to profess your greatness before all, we pray.