Friday, November 6, 2009

Thurs., Nov. 5: Rom 14:7-12; Luke 15:1-10

This man welcomes sinners and eats with them. Either that or eat alone, right? We Christians are so accustomed to calling ourselves sinners — whether we really mean it or not — that we come up with other names for that class of people we deem not quite in our league: liberals, conservatives, hippies, warmongers, welfare leeches, terrorists, trailer trash, rednecks, Ivy League snobs, tree-huggers, rich you-know-whats. Jesus dines with all of them. Sounds like interesting table talk to me. St. Paul asks why we judge others. Lots of reasons, but wouldn’t it be more interesting to come to table with them and chat?

*Lord Jesus, thank you for inviting me to your table … and for all the interesting dinner companions.