Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Mon., Nov. 30: Rom 10:9-18; Matt 4:18-22

At once they left their nets and followed him. The call of discipleship didn’t end with the apostles. It isn’t that fewer people are being called to vocations. The difference lies in the willingness to walk away from our distractions. We have ourselves so tangled in the nets of our lives and society that it’s very hard to escape. We all are invited to share in Jesus’ work in a unique and personal way. It’s time to free ourselves from whatever net traps us and heed the call.

*Jesus, we long to follow you; show us the way, we pray.


Janmah said...

atlast! I got here! you know what? i always tried to reach you but i got problem opening your site when i tried navigating from your name when you left messages in my box:)

thanks for following surely i will do the same.. my 3 sites will be seen in yours just in minutes..hhehe! see you dearie and keep in touch!


Nanaybelen said...

Good post...Reminds me for so many things