Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Our Daily Bread: Eph 2:19-22; Luke 6:12-16

Through him the whole structure is held together and grows into a temple sacred to the Lord.

We know very little about the apostles Simon (the Zealot) and Jude, as is the case with most of the Twelve Apostles. Jesus certainly chose some unlikely people to be his closest companions and to guide the church after his ascension — ignorant fishermen, a despised tax collector and a one-time member of the rebellious Zealots. The point is beautifully made in the first reading. We, like the apostles, are being formed through Christ into a temple for God. We are perfected by God’s grace in Jesus Christ. None of us earns this or deserves it. It is all God’s gracious gift.

*We thank you, Lord, for making us your own; use us as you will.