Thursday, January 28, 2010

Thurs., Jan. 28: 2 Sam 7:18-19, 24-29; Mark 4:21-25

Thomas Aquinas, priest and doctor

The measure with which you measure will be measured out to you. In our consume-and-discard society we’ll eventually face a serious crisis of diminishing resources. One commod­ity that is already lacking from our day-to-day existence is compassion. We may credit ourselves with possessing the gifts of generosity and consideration, but how generous are we, really? What if our Lord returned to us only what we gave to others? What if he held back for fear of not having enough for himself? Times are tough, but certain resources should never be in short supply — love, forgiveness, under­standing, acceptance, patience, justice and mercy. Indeed, the one who has these assets will surely be given more.

*That we may always share the countless and wondrous gifts we have received, we pray.